Exceptional Relationship Program

Exceptional Relationship Program


The health of your personal intimate relationship has huge implications on your leadership effectiveness. With the advent of Covid and the global pandemic, a high percentage of relationships are hurting right now. The myriad of issues like multiple lockdown restrictions, homeschooling, financial stress, remote working and parenting misalignment creates a heightened recipe for stress, overwhelm, tension and resistance.

Relationships can be challenging in so-called ‘normal circumstances’, but to navigate this new terrain of uncertainty definitely takes something. In the research I have conducted many relationships fit into 3 categories:

(1) Existence

(2) Hurting

(3) Just OK…

But what if your relationship could be EXCEPTIONAL. Many couples do not even know what an ‘Exceptional Relationship’, looks like, until now! So an opportunity exists today for couples ready to: STOP being a fringe dweller tolerating an “OK” relationship and face the uncomfortable.

Through this program, I help you make what’s not ok to talk about, OK to talk about!

Providing a safe space, free from judgement, a neutral environment, in order to give you and your partner what I believe are the tools to create an ‘EXCEPTIONAL Relationship’, far beyond what you ever thought possible! Conquer The Uncomfortable, Unleash Your Potential, and watch your relationship ignite like NEVER before!


If you wish to receive Pjero Mardesic’s Exceptional Relationship Program Information Pack email us c/-of [email protected].au 

What's Possible for your Relationship?